On a Mission to Fight Minor Sex Trafficking in Tennessee
Domestic minor sex trafficking (DMST) is the commercial sexual exploitation of children in the United States through prostitution, pornography, or sexual performance in exchange for something of value. It involves the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act where that person is a citizen of the United States or a lawful resident under 18 years of age.
Minor sex trafficking is happening in Tennessee. While Garland Oaks will offer hope and healing to girls who are DMST survivors, we ultimately want to eliminate the sexual exploitation and trafficking of children. Learning more about the realities of sexual exploitation and trafficking is one way we can stop it.
1 in 3 of runaways will be approached by a trafficker within 48 hours
70% of DMST victims were first victimized in their own home
13 is the average age a child becomes a victim of DMST
DMST in Tennessee
Every year, at least 2400 children in Tennessee are at risk of becoming DMST victims. Once victimized, these children suffer from severe psychological, emotional, physical, and behavioral problems. Learn More About Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking at Street Hope TN.
National Hotline
Tennessee Hotline
BeFree Textline
Text HELP to BEFREE (233733)

His Love. Her Story. Your Help.
Garland Oaks is faith-driven and donation-supported. Every gift of time or resources helps us create a home of restoration, share the hope of Jesus and change the story of a DMST survivor.
Stay informed.